Social Media Marketing - 3 Mistakes Most Newbie's Makes When Implementing a Social Media Campaign

First what exactly is Social Media Marketing and how can you use it to benefit your business?

Media in its simplest form means communication and refers to the tools used to store and deliver the information. For example, news media refers to communication of the news in places such as TV or radio. Print media refers to communication in newspapers and magazines.

Social media refers to the communication on the Internet and mobile based tools between many different users by sharing and discussing information Harley Dean. The social aspect is the revolutionary part because it is user based or consumer generated content. In this new paradigm the consumer is now in control. They decide which content is relevant and valuable to their unique situation.
When you add marketing to Social media it then becomes all about fans of a brand or company promoting the service or product across the multiple online social media venues. Social media marketers write content but it must be remarkable, unique, and newsworthy when it is published or it never gets syndicated across the all the channels. The hope is that it will create a buzz among the users and then go viral on the Internet.
There is a lot to learn in this new paradigm but here are the 3 biggest mistakes a newbie makes when she first begins to try and leverage this incredibly powerful tool?
Mistake #1
The first mistake is they jump in with no research or master plan. To be successful, a Social Media Marketing campaign must first begin with an assessment of current status. What is working and what is not? The target market should be researched to find out what they like and where they hang out online. Only then can a master plan with specific goals be developed.

Mistake #2
Because social media marketing appears to be easy most newbie's are not prepared to spend the time necessary to develop comprehensive campaign. In most cases they will need the assistance of an expert at least in the beginning in order to optimize all the different channels effectively. Business owners must be prepared for the long haul. Social media is based on relationship building and you cannot sell or promote before that relationship is established. It will take some time.

Mistake #3
The final mistake many newbie's make is they spread themselves to thin. There are unlimited numbers of Social Media networking sites and it is easy to become distracted. I recommend my clients become involved in the big three, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and then join the conversation in 2-3 other specific niche oriented sites. Don't add friends just to increase your numbers but add them strategically based on your goals and interests. Decide on exactly how much time in your day you will devote to social media and set a timer if necessary to keep to your plan.=
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